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The Solar Show: Is solar right for your home?

This series is sponsored by Integrated Solar Solutions, a Kelowna-based company.

What makes a roof the right candidate for solar panels? How long would an installation take? How much power will the system generate?

In this episode of the Solar Show with Jeremy Levee, president of Integrated Solar Solutions, and Jim Csek of NowMedia, Levee answered several questions homeowners have about solar power systems.

The first, and most asked question by homeowners inquiring about the installation of solar panels is, do I have the right roof?

Levee explained the various roofing materials and styles that work with solar panels, stating that if a roof is near the end of its life, it should be replaced before the panels are installed.

The duo then touched on how no penetration is needed with some styles of flat and metal roofs.

A roof may be the right material, but what way should it be facing to be a viable candidate?

Levee explained that when looking to install solar panels, an exposure facing east or southwest is ideal, with straight south and no shading being the “best bang for your buck.”

After sharing what type of panels Integrated Solar Solutions installs, Levee stated that the inverter used on projects is the more important piece of equipment.

“At the end of the day, you can have a hundred panels out there, but if you don’t have the appropriate inverter to go with it, you may not be utilizing all of those panels to what they’re capable of,” said Levee.

To ensure a home is being used to its full potential, the team at Integrated Solar Solutions creates a 3D model to determine the pitch needed for the installation and other specific details.

Solar panels can also be installed on the ground and each project varies in length of time for the installation process, with an average project needing two to three days for the installation.

A few other questions surrounding the topic include production numbers, what to do with solar panels in the winter and whether there is a need for batteries.

Watch the above video for more answers to questions about solar panel installations.

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