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RCMP clarifies snacking while driving tweet

On Tuesday, September 12th, KelownaNow wrote a story in response to a tweet from BC RCMP Traffic about distracted driving awareness month.

After several comments from readers asked for clarification regarding eating while driving and other issues, KelownaNow reached out to BC RCMP Traffic.

"Obviously the tweet depicted a very exaggerated situation and it was a situation where the driver could be issued a ticket for driving without due care, which is a $368 fine and 6 points," said Cst. Melissa Wutke.

"Each situation is considered on its own merit, there is no blanket statement such as if you eat noodles and drive it will equal this, it's all very dependent on the situation the officer sees. But if you're able to eat something with one hand that likely isn't going to distract you from driving, then that probably is not the problem."

While cell phone use, reading books and maps, using a GPS, watching videos or movies, personal grooming, adjusting the radio/CD and using earphones can be considered distracted driving, Cst. Wutke clarified that smoking is not considered a distraction. However, discarding a cigarette out the window of a moving vehicle will subject drivers to a hefty fine.

Click here for more information regarding B.C.'s distracted driving laws.

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