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Help Okanagan winery worker with lymphoma by attending this fundraiser July 31

Currently, Morton Serbon has lymphoma, is undergoing aggressive chemotherapy until at least November and can't work.

His wife, Rene, who is self-employed, is taking time off to look after her husband and juggling the schedules for their two sons -- Connor and Cullen.

The medical crisis has put an incredible strain on the family -- physically, emotionally and financially.

</who>The Serbon family of Summerland is having a tough time financially because husband-and-dad Morton can't work while undergoing chemotherapy for lymphoma.

In May, Cheryl Gowler, who is a friend and neighbour of the Serbons in Summerland, started the 'Please Help the Serbons!' GoFundMe campaign.

So far, it's raised $9,000 toward its goal of $10,000.

The community, especially the Okanagan wine community, in which Morton worked, wanted to help some more.

Morton is well-known and liked in the Okanagan wine world, most recently worked at Frind Estate Winery in West Kelowna as the vineyard foreman and previously owned Maximus Vineyard Management and worked at Jackson-Triggs and Blasted Church wineries as vineyard manager.

</who>Rene has been by Morton's side through his aggressive treatment.

So, Kim Lawton, another long-time friend and neighbour of the Serbons, has helped organize the Serbon Family Fundraiser, which will be held Wednesday, July 31 at Detonate Brewing in Summerland.

"A group of friends and neighbours decided we wanted to help by holding a fundraiser," said Lawton, who owns DogLeg Marketing and counts Fort Berens Winery and Cannery Brewing among her clients.

"We are hoping to join together as a community to raise some funds for the family so they can focus on Morton's treatment and recovery and not worry about their day-to-day finances. We are also hoping to lift his spirits with some smiles and positive messages."

</who>Morton with his son, Cullen.

It's a multi-faceted fundraiser.

People are invited to drop by anytime from 5 to 8 pm, mingle and grab the burger and beer combo Detonate is famous for.

Detonate owner Jonah Cadieux-Johnson is not only providing the premises for the fundraiser, but he will donate $5 from every burger purchased and $2 from every beer to the cause.

</who>The poster for the fundraiser.

The wine industry has stepped up and donated 100 bottles of wine, which will be used to raise money via a 'wine pull.'

People can make a minimum donation of $25 and draw a cork to find out which bottle they get to take home.

There will also be a silent auction of 30 donated items with 100% of the proceeds going to the Serbon family.

Morton has even contributed a few of his most prized wines from his cellar for the silent auction.

</who>Enjoy a Detonate burger and beer and help the fundraiser at the same time.

Family friend Erick Thompson, who is the communications manager with the Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, will be the master of ceremonies for the fundraiser.

"We all need a bit of help at different points in our lives and at this time the Serbons need some help," he said.

While actual medical treatment is covered by the province, all other associated expenses are not.

"They have found themselves in a difficult financial situation with Morton's diagnosis and extended treatment plan," said Lawton.

"They have racked up significant financial medical travel expenses as Morton was in Vancouver General Hospital for more than six weeks for diagnosis and to begin treatment."

Rene Serbon is appreciative on behalf of the whole family.

"We are at a loss for words with the amazing support we are receiving from friends, neighbours, Detonate Brewing, the BC wine industry and even so many people we don't know," she said.

"It's been overwhelming and yet incredibly comforting knowing that our community is here for our family. We look forward to Morton beating this disease and being able to pay it forward into our community once this is behind us."

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