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Why a community-driven Kelowna farm donates 100% of its produce

Nestled between Mission Creek and the busy corridor of Benvoulin Road is a 24-acre farm that donates every piece of produce grown on the property.

Named after Gordone Ziglar’s late wife, Helen’s Acres grows various vegetables for the food bank, women’s shelter, Salvation Army and other charities.

The farm is run by the Trinity Legacy Foundation and was donated by the Ziglars, with a deal that the land remains used as a farm for 20 years, provides education on the growing process and “addresses the food crisis in our community.”

Now in year seven, the need for the farm has only grown, stepping up production from 56,000 pounds in 2022 to 76,600 pounds in 2023.

“Part of the need for that increase was our partners were asking for more because their need was growing,” said Dan Connolly, community manager.

The farm is run by a pair of full-time employees and several volunteers, including local schools that stop by to help harvest in the eight-month growing window, with the food then being picked up by local organizations.

“People believe in this space, they believe that our property can make a huge impact in our community with all the organizations,” added Connolly.

Helen’s Acres’ main crops are potatoes, carrots and onions, but it also produces lettuce, spinach, kale, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes and so on.

Nearly all the food is distributed in the growing season, with a little bit of storage on-site.

<who> Photo Credit: Helen's AcresGroups or individuals interested in volunteering can find more information online at this link, as well as a way to donate funds to help the farm’s growing operations.

“As we are in need of growing more and more food, we need to be able to accommodate those costs from diesel fuel for the tractors, seeds and things like that,” explained Connolly.

Watch the above interview to learn more about the farm and its operations.

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