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Meet Laura O'Reilly. She grew up in Toronto, studied in Quebec and moved to BC in 2010. She's been living in the Okanagan for over a year now.
Who is your favourite person to spend time with and why?
My husband because he's the perfect balance of kind and silly.
What is your favourite local store in Kelowna and why?
I was a huge fan of Dolicious Donuts so after it's recent closure, my sweet tooth is open to new suggestions.
Describe yourself in one word.
If you could go anywhere in the world right at this moment where would you go and why?
The Arctic to see narwhals.
What is your favourite activity in Kelowna?
Floating in Kalamalka, I'm part mermaid.
What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
Just one eh? My pants split once and I taught a whole yoga class unaware that my little bottom was exposed.
What is the most inspiring thing that has happened to you?
In my 20's, I had a real problem with alcohol and drugs. In 2010 I decided to get sober. Life in recovery has been infinitely more amazing than anything I could have imagined. I'm also continually inspired by the people I'm blessed to work with.
Tell us your favourite childhood memory.
There are loads. When I was a kid some days my mom would work from home and I would pretend to forget my lunch so that she would bring it to me and hang out with me at school.
Where do you volunteer or give back to in the community?
I volunteer within the recovery community supporting others affected by addiction. I teach yoga in treatment centres, detox facilities and recovery houses. More institutions are recognizing and employing the benefits of mindfulness. It's a wonderful tool for combating stress. I also host by donation classes and have a free youtube channel because accessibility to resources is important to me.
If you could change one thing in the world what would it be?
Our criticisms. If we all saw ourselves for the amazing miracles that we are, we wouldn't live in fear or doubt. We'd spend our time and energy working at things that we're passionate about instead of things we think we 'have' to do. We are all far more capable and resilient than we believe ourselves to be.
Where would you sneak away to in Kelowna to spend some time alone?
Can I rent out Sparkling Hill Resort all to myself?
Where would you like to see positive change in Kelowna and why?
I'd like to see more small businesses, culture and diversity. Having lived in three of Canada's biggest cities, I value the diversity and variety individuals bring to contribute to the community as a whole.
What do you think makes Kelowna great?
Our amazing landscapes, friendly people and lack of traffic.
What are 3 things on your bucket list?
1. Polar bear swim, I plan to redeem this soon
2. Become a singer/songwriter which is also in the works
3. A year-long adventure in a camper van traversing everywhere without an itinerary
Tell us something that not everyone may know about you.
I went to circus camp as a kid and chose to be a clown.
How do people connect with you, personally, through social media? (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.)
Facebook and Instagram.
What is the name of your business/organization?
Potentialize Me Yoga.
Why did you get into/start this business?
To help others.
What is the goal of your business?
To help people feel their best through yoga creating a warm, inclusive space that meets people where they're at.
What has been your biggest struggle either at work or in life?
Staying true to myself regardless of negative feedback. At the end of the day I’m responsible for my life and nothing is guaranteed, so I’d rather take the leap of faith instead of wonder what could have been.
If you could start all over again would you do things the same or would things be different?
Everything happens for a reason, so no.
What do you always find yourself saying?
'Thank you.' Life's better when I live in gratitude.
Tell us your best piece of life advice.
Laugh at your mistakes, they're where the learning happens. Make right what you can and start again fresh.
If you could spend one whole day with anyone in the world who is currently alive, who would you select?
Bon Jovi. He seems like a genuine dude.
Why do you think it is important to shop locally?
Supporting local helps build your neighbours dreams.
What has been your proudest accomplishment?
Creating a successful business that is founded upon service to others.
Give someone you think that deserves it a shout out and explain why!
My hubby, Percy Hui. He's the kindest most patient person I know. He never complains, always helps and is accepting of everyone.
My choice for the KelownaNow In Focus spotlight is:
Dr. Todd Kellerman. His spirit of service and kindness fills his practice and his community.
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