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Six Ways to Conquer Hunger

So you decided to start a new fat loss diet, but a few weeks in to it, you are so hungry that you started cheating with pasta and cookies. According to research, two-thirds of North Americans will say they are dieting at any point in the year, yet only 20 per cent of those dieters will succeed over the long haul.

There are several reasons why people fail on their diets, including underestimating the number of calories consumed and overestimating the number of calories burned during exercise. But the first problem every dieter will face is always the same: hunger. How you go about dealing with hunger has everything to do with your long-term success. Hunger leads to bad food decisions, but fortunately, there are ways you can deal with hunger.

Below are six ways to conquer hunger when it strikes.

Eat more veggies
If you are like most people in this country, you are not eating enough leafy greens or veggies, which means you are missing out on key nutrients vital to maintaining your health. Beat hunger by starting each meal with a salad. The greens will help fill you up, adding lots of quality nutrients with very few calories. Just be sure to skip the high-fat condiments and dressings, and stick with salt and pepper, lemon juice or vinegar instead.

Fill up on good fats
Good fats fight fat and help you feel fuller longer. Nuts like almonds and walnuts are a natural appetite suppressant, and a great to go snack. Another healthy fat, omega-3 — found in fish like salmon, tuna and herring helps increase your system’s leptin level. This hormone is responsible for sending the message of feeling full to the brain.

Drink coffee
The caffeine in coffee is known to act as a natural appetite suppressant, and, like cayenne, caffeine also boosts metabolism. Be warned, I am talking about black coffee here, not venti caramel macchiatos. If you can't drink coffee without the cream and sugar, go for green or black tea instead. It’s comparable to coffee in terms of caffeine content and is available in a vast range of colors and flavors — all of which are high in antioxidants.

Find distraction
Sometimes, all you need to get your mind off your stomach is the right distraction. Go for a walk and get some fresh air. If you know it’s emotional hunger or boredom, get out of that environment and go find something else to do. Call up a friend and meet for coffee, or hit the gym. Brushing your teeth is also a good trick because no food tastes good after mint toothpaste.

Catch up on sleep
How about catching up on some quality sleep? Sleep deprivation can quickly lead to hormone imbalances. Those with disrupted sleep tend to have more hunger pangs and fewer feelings of satiety than others, which corresponds directly to a higher body mass index. Getting enough sleep on a daily basis is one of the single best things you can do for your overall health and well-being.

Exercise Your Mental Muscle
The things we tell ourselves, whether silently or out loud, have a powerful influence over our emotions and behavior. If we constantly say things like, "I can't have that", then you most likely will have it anyways. On the other hand, if we feel a little hungry and say something like, “I just need some more water”, or “my body is just adjusting to having a little less in the tank right now,” it won’t be nearly as stressful. Cravings don't usually last long, and if you can figure out a way to keep busy for a few minutes, you’ve developed a powerful tool that will set you up for long-term success. It’s not easy, and If it was, everyone would be successful at it. Short-term temptations should not navigate you away from your long-term goal. Focus on the progress you are making, and find the support you need to get through the challenge.

Angelique Kronebusch Fitness

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